Increase Traffic and Sales with High Impact Video
from Nationwide PrimeMedia
Buy Better, Sell Smarter & Compete Tougher
These spots can be inexpensively personalized for your company and can be customized for various brands, categories and offers. Most spots may be used by one member in good standing only per market and are available first come, first served.
Many of these spots can be inexpensively personalized for your company and can be customized for various brands, categories and offers. Others are vendor-focused and use the branding on your page for dealer identification. Online video may be available to multiple dealers in a market.
These videos are created for use on Nationwide’s exclusive MemberNetTVPlus and MemberNetTV Ultra digital signage systems. While there are thousands of non-dealer branded messages for your use. These assets allow you to romance your company’s brand at the “last 3 feet” of the sales process.
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